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Sunday, May 9, 2010

a web host is crucial if you want to seriously monetize your blog.

I said I would give to my readers some tips about blogging, and you know what? I will start right now!

Today I will talk a bit about web hosts. As many bloggers know, a web host is crucial if you want to seriously monetize your blog. I’m not talking about three, four “peanuts” a month, I talking of two thousand euros/month. Many people ask why they should need a host if they want to seriously monetize the blog. It’s a legitimate question and the answer is very simple: When you go to a site, if you read “” do you think it’s a professional blog? No!

All business blogs have own domains just because they need that visitor think that’s a professional site. And you ask. “Is that so? Why haven’t you bought a host?” Well folks, I’m not a professional blogger, my earnings aren’t huge and I don’t have much time for blogging.

But listen, if you have the time, the intelligence, the money to invest and a good blog, buy a host! I will assure you it will be a good business.

If you meet the requirements I wrote above, I recommend this webhosting reviews site. It has nice reviews about the best web hosts. It's always important to read reviews about web hosts and everything else. It gives us a view about the services.


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